

The objective of this workshop is to  exchange ideas on an interdisciplinary approach to the museum of the future : inclusive museum were artworks are presented and accessed via new digital tools which create an immersive multimodal museum experience for any visitor (visually impaired visitors included).

The workshop includes academics from different social science and humanity departments (philosophy included), heritage and digital technology experts.

The workshop  will be the opportunity to develop advanced understanding of the potential applications of digital technologies in cultural institutions. It will allow to equip all of them all with enhanced capabilities for contributing to future projects that bring advanced technologies to cultural institutions,  making them accessible to any visitor.

The workshop will have the potential for having a major impact upon the use of visitor data in heritage organisations, transforming the ways in which these institutions involve themselves towards their audiences.

Finally, the results of on going research projects, either national, European or international,  will be presented.


The topics include

  • Novel algorithms, computational tools and software for a variety of cultural heritage
  • Case studies in conservation, art and archaeology
  • Nonlocal techniques in image processing and machine learning




This Workshop is funded by the ANR SUMUM,  the  ANR IMG and the RIN "Guide Muséal".


                             Conseil Régional NormandieCACANR SUMUMANR IMGFEDER



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